baby motion in womb
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The first dramatic motion, one that has come to symbolize
life itself, is the first heartbeat at about three weeks after conception. This
rhythmic activity continues while valves, chambers, and all other parts and
connections are under construction--illustrating an important fact about
development: parts are pressed into service as they become available.
Furthermore, use is necessary for development.
Between week six and ten, fetal
bodies burst into motion, achieving graceful, stretching, and rotational movements
of the head, arms and legs. Hand to head, hand to face, hand to mouth
movements, mouth opening, closing, and swallowing are all present at 10 weeks.
By 14 weeks, the complete repertoire of fetal movements seen throughout
gestation are already in evidence. Movement is spontaneous, endogenous, and
typically cycles between activity and rest.
Breathing movements and jaw movements have begun. Hands are busy interacting with other parts of the body and with the umbilical cord. From this early stage onward, movement is a primary activity, sometimes begun spontaneously, sometimes provoked by events. Spontaneous movement occurs earliest, probably expressing purely individual interests and needs. Evoked movement reflects sensitivity to the environment. For example, between 10 and 15 weeks g.a., when a mother laughs or coughs, her fetus moves within seconds. The vestibular system, designed to register head and body motion as well as the pull of gravity begins developing at about 8 weeks. This requires construction of six semicircular canals, fluid-filled structures in the ears, which are sensitive to angular acceleration and deceleration, and help maintain balance.
Breathing movements and jaw movements have begun. Hands are busy interacting with other parts of the body and with the umbilical cord. From this early stage onward, movement is a primary activity, sometimes begun spontaneously, sometimes provoked by events. Spontaneous movement occurs earliest, probably expressing purely individual interests and needs. Evoked movement reflects sensitivity to the environment. For example, between 10 and 15 weeks g.a., when a mother laughs or coughs, her fetus moves within seconds. The vestibular system, designed to register head and body motion as well as the pull of gravity begins developing at about 8 weeks. This requires construction of six semicircular canals, fluid-filled structures in the ears, which are sensitive to angular acceleration and deceleration, and help maintain balance.
3 W – First Heart Beat
6 - 10 W – Head, Arms And Legs Movements;
10 W – Hand To Head, To Face, To The Mouth, Mouth Movement
And Swallowing;
10 - 15 W – Reactive Movement To Environment (Mother Cought
or Laughter)
14 W – Complete Fetal Movement - Breathing And Jaw Movement
Ultrasound technology enables us to clearly observe the fetus in the womb.------------------------------------------------------Pregnant women usually first feel their baby move between 16-20 weeks gestation.------------------------------------------------------The first movements are seen on ultrasound at 8 weeks gestation.------------------------------------------------------The fetus can suck his/her thumb from 20 weeks.
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